Matt Round

I devise/plan/build interesting online projects

You can find me on Mastodon and Bluesky,
or email my first name @ this domain

2019 – Now

Currently trying to make the internet a bit more fun with viral games and assorted nonsense

2015 – 2019

Creative Lead

Devised, planned and steered online marketing projects for a wide variety of Distilled clients

2013 – 2015


Made loads of games and quizzes for the 3-month media experiment that ended up lasting 2 years

2006 – 2013

Sites & Games

Freelanced, doing a mix of web development, online marketing and Flash games

2000 – 2006

Agency Dev

Worked for a medium-sized web agency, building sites for UK consumer brands and government

1995 – 2000

Freelance Dev

Started my own business and mostly worked on car-related web sites (ironically, I couldn’t drive)

1989 – 1995

Ye Olde Internet

Pottered about coding things on mainframes then got into text-based bulletin board systems

1984 – 1989

ZX Spectrum

Learned programming by making little games in BASIC and Z80 machine code

1971 – 1984

Didn’t use any computers

         – 1971

Didn’t exist